Thanks for visiting www.dogsloversblog.com
Our Mission: DogsLoversBolg aims to be one of the only dedicated dog news sources (news about dogs–not necessarily for dogs). This includes dogs in the media, product recalls, celebrity dogs, and anything else in the news that involves dogs.

Dogs Lovers began as a personal blog but has since grown into an incredible online community that entertains a lot of dog lovers around the world.
And if you have a great story, video, or photo you’d like us to consider sharing feel free to contact us. Yours may just be our next favorite post!
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We spend a lot of time and money putting all of this together, but it is our passion. We want to improve the lives of humans and dogs everywhere by celebrating our relationships with one another.
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Simple to do, but it still helps us a great deal! If you enjoy our content please consider passing it along to a friend or sharing on your social media accounts!
The greater our reach the more dogs we can help and the more great content we will be able to provide!
I hope that all will be benefited from the topics, articles, reviews, making sure we all have a resourceful and well-informed website about dogs lovers.
If needed, you can contact me without any hesitation;
You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Contact Us: Contact@dogsloversblog.com